Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 19: Life without drains, still a smidge itchy, and my incisions look angry.

So today I woke up all grumpy and crampy and such.  I woke up late (it's the weekend, who cares?) and couldn't find anyone in the house... which is totally what you wanna find when you wake up all grumpy and woe-is-me.

I'd survived my first overnight period + compression garment experience, so that was a definite plus.

I got up, made some oatmeal (in the meantime, calling to figure out where the heck my family was), then decided I really just wasn't hungry so I stuck it in the fridge.  I took some motrin to help with the crampy business.

As I tend to do at least once a day, I checked myself out in the mirror to see what all my incisions and holes look like, and how I'm looking in general.  The bruisey-color in my breasts is really settling to the bottom of them... they're totally normally colored on top, but then the bottom of them look all reddish-purplish (the itching is subtle, but not nearly as ridiculous as it was yesterday).  On my abdomen, most of it is returning to its normal "really pale" color.  A good centimeter or so above and below my tummy tuck incision, the skin is also realllly red.  Almost angry looking red. It was that color when I was in to have my drains removed and Doc saw it, so I'm assuming it's okay and just part of the healing process.  I see no signs of infection (nothing oozing, no puffines or pain) so I'm not alarmed.

The holes where my drains were: these are kind of crusting over well, I've had gauze on them since the doc appointment, but changed the dressing today even though I didn't shower.  I can't handle the thought of 2-day old drain-hole-ooze-gauze.  Yuck.  I cut a mini-pad in half and taped it over the holes, which seems to be working.

It's a whole new world when you can just wear normal clothes and not worry about finding a place to hide drains!  HOORAY!

Also, my college football team had what can only be described as a "totally kickass" day today. THAT WAS AWESOME.

The kids were otherwise occupied, so Mr. Right and I went out for a lovely suburban Mexican restaurant dinner.  I even had a margarita (I haven't had any of the prescription drugs today, so I decided to go for it)!

We have plans to et up and see the new James Bond flick at noon tomorrow, so I'm calling it an early night.  I need my 10 hours of sleep, plus some time to shower and stuff in the morning.

Sometimes, it's like planning as thought I'm an  Need lots of sleep, need to get cleaned up, need to take care of the uncontrollable mess leaking out of me... then we can leave the house.

I'm super excited-- especially after the evening of chips, dip and fajitas-- to be cleared to start working out.  I don't want to walk away from this fabulous tummy tuck operation only to develop another gut.

Nighty Night!

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