Tuesday, October 16, 2012

SIx Days to Surgery!

It's Tuesday.  Surgery is Monday.  LESS THAN A WEEK!

Here are a few things that have been running through my mind, lol...

 I should get a will.  What if I die before the surgery?  What if I get some horrible sickness before the surgery and they can't operate?  OMG I'm so glad my period came this week and not next week-- now I'll have the maximum amount of time to heal before I have to deal with feminine hygeine products.  What am I gonna look like when this is all over?  I hope I don't get an infection.  Oh man, I hope the drains aren't as horrid as I think they'll be.  I need a tray-table for bed.  I hope Mr. Right doesn't hate me halfway through the healing process and get tired of helping me.  Am I getting a fever blister?  NO!  I don't want to have a big crusty lip for the people doing cosmetic surgery on me.

Then there's the non-surgery stuff: 

What all do I need to do for work?  Do we have enough dog food?  Mr. Right will buy the wrong stuff.  Oh and do we have enough cat food?  Should I hire someone to come empty the cat box because Mr. Right absolutely HATES that?  What else do I do that nobody else can humanly possibly do?  I need a pedicure.

Every time I walk by the mirror before I'm showering or getting dressed, I have to kind of pinch around the fat on my stomach and wonder what it'll be like.  Breast size still perplexes me, and at this point I'm so happy to finally be having less-- I'm almost just willing to go lie down and say "whatever you think, Doc."  I won't do that, but the idea of not having to think about it or make a decision is alluring.


I keep walking by all those bras in my closet.  They have been great, they've been faithful... but damn, I just absolutely cannot wait to get rid of them.  Especially the evil sports bras that squash me within an inch of my life and taunt me as I try to take them off when I'm sweaty and puffy.  Oh to be able to walk into Target and buy a sports bra.  Any bra for that matter.  Or tops.

I find myself creepin' in the bra section a lot.  Looking.  What sizes are readily available?  What size do I want to be?  Every bra that says "full figure" is like a big blinking "NOOOO!" for me. I do not want to be "full figure" or require "minimizing".  I pick up the 38C bras and see that some have padding for lift and think... what will it be like to be able to even wear a bra with "lift" padding?" Even the thought of being able to purchase a strapless, or one of those "convertible" bras.  Oh wow.  That's big, people!

Possibility of Death.  *Deep Breath*

"Clueless" was on.  Love that movie.  Love Alicia Silverstone and Brittany Murphy, God rest her soul. Love Paul Ruud and the whole rest of the cute little cast.  Cher's mom died in a routine liposuction procedure.  You can watch that movie a million times and laugh at that line... until you're scheduled for plastic surgery the next week!!!!

So, I have an appointment on Thursday to finalize a Last Will, Durable Power of Attorney, and Medical Power of Attorney.  I just wanna be sure that if anything happens, there aren't any questions.  Also, it's just an all-around good idea to have a will on file.  We're in the middle of trying to sell a house, so the Power of Attorney will come in handy if it sells and I can't be around for the document-signing-party.

I feel like I'm being a responsible adult.  So, there.

I will do my best to not want to poke out the eyes of people (work) who want things before I go to surgery.  Oh sure, it hasn't been a priority for 4-6 months and NOW you need it this week?  Honestly, I'm trying.  I want as little as possible hanging over my head while I'm healing.

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