Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pre-Op Visit with Doc

I feel a lot better after the pre-op meeting : )

Notes:  Since my last consultation, I've had a mammogram, and then another mammogram because they found little weird spots. The second mammogram was... more squeezy, you could say, with the squeezing happening in a more specific area.  As it turns out, they are just calcifications and nothing to worry about.

Back to the pre-op appointment...

Doc's wife, we'll call her Mrs. Doc, is the pre-surg consult gal. She is a TRIP, and had a breast redux/tummy tuck before she had kids. Then she had kids, then she was going to have another redux... and in the pre-op testing they found that she had breast cancer. Instead of having a reduction, she had mastectomies and got implants... and her husband did the surgery. They are the funniest pair-- you can tell he's more reserved, yet very sweet, and she is one saucy lass. I would love to throw back a bottle of wine with her!

We went over the things I need to have on hand (soft cup bras, ginger ale, crackers, prescriptions), I signed my life away on a bunch of papers, acknowledging fun things like "you could die because it's surgery".  Thinking happy thoughts.  Thinking happy thoughts.  Dear God, please let me not die.

Then came the most wonderful part of the whole appointment.  Doc took pictures of my belly flap.  UP CLOSE!  With flash, man.  Oh. My. Word.

You haven't lived until you've had your luscious pale dimply stretch marked belly fat photographed... I mean I thought the "looking at the belly fat under flourescent light" was the end-all, be-all... I stand corrected.

I also saw the drains I'll have for the tummy tuck, which kinda made me gag but i guess it's worth it. i'll have those for probably a couple of weeks (grody). They remind me of the blub & tube that came with the old Fisher-Price Doctor's Kit when we were little; I really didn't imagine fish tank tubing all up inside my incision but the man knows what he's doing.

The fabulous compression garment i get to wear over the tummy tuck area is pretty sexy too… NOT.  It's basically a big giant spanx, but it has a hook-and-eye closure that then zips up-- and little panels on the side that you can use to pull it boot straps. and a giant pee-hole. 

Sex-ay (doesn't the model just look so happy to be modeling this lovely compression garment?).

Mrs. Doc showed me the kind of bras to get for recovery (until the boobs have settled into their shape). They are $9, fruit of the loom, and have front closure.

I also thought it was neat that they'll give me an anti-nausea patch to wear starting the night before surgery... in lieu of having to worry about taking nausea meds to counteract the side effects of the anesthesia.

I was surprised when Doc referred to the statue as being a B cup, but he's at least got the picture. He talked to me at our first consultation about not going "too" small and being disappointed. I just really, really don't want to end up with freakin' D cups. I am an FF or a G right now, and sometimes when I order FF or G cup bras, even those suckers don't fit. Pre-period, they grow and huuuuurt so it's anyone's guess as to what my actual real size is. I maybe need to talk to him about the fact that once I can run more comfortably, I will most likely be losing weight... so to operate with that in mind.

Maybe I can photoshop myself and show him what i want to look like...LOL.

One of the ladies on staff with Doc had me write all my checks. One to Doc, one to the Anesthesiology place, and one to the hospital. After she got papers in order, she walked me over to the hospital for a blood test, urine test (they have to be sure I'm not pregnant), and a chest x-ray.  I also completed all my registration details so on the morning of surgery, I walk in, present my "golden ticket" (piece of paper proving I'm all registered), and proceed to surgery!

I have to be at the hospital at 6 am. Dude, that's like the middle of the night for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. I like reading your articles. I am 10 months post op from a tummy tuck. I had my first tummy tuck 14 yrs ago with no problems. I am a slim 55 yr old woman, so the second tummy tuck was really to remove some excess fat around the belt line and retighten the muscles.

    Tummy Tuck in Manila
