I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today! It was my first "I'm all alone" day. People are busy, and they have to go back to work and stuff, so it was me just me today.
I was cold, I needed pain meds, my boobs and my belly both were hurting-- not like "I WANT TO DIE!" pain but just all around uncomfortable, sore, prickly. This made me mad because I wanted to be all perfect and healing and not need the meds-- but in all honesty it had been more than 12 hours so it's no giant surprise I was having some pain. Then my beloved Grabber broke, and I was feeling very "harumph" about figuring out how to fix it. I may have had a little pity party there for a while, right after the cat knocked one of my prescription bottles off the bathroom counter. That effing cat. Right after I had broken the grabbing part of my grabber.
Once I figured I really had no choice, I took a step-by-step approach to getting the damned day started. Luckily the cat had chosen to knock my allergy meds off the counter, so it wasn't an emergency that I solve the "how to get that off the floor when you can't bend over" problem.
I needed some pain meds, so I needed to get something in my stomach. I needed to have my daily morning serving of orange juice + Miralax to keep my innards from getting bound up. So... OJ, Miralax, a banana, a couple of powdered donuts, and of course a vicodin and a valium.
Then I was having some "I"m too freezing!" and "I am so hot, why did I put on this robe?!?!?" back and forthiness. I don't know if it's the exertion, the meds, or what but holy cow I just cannot stay in one temperature zone. I would get in my robe, then have to go to the bathroom (and therefore take the robe off) but be FREEZING because I was just in a bra. So, I put on a shrug. Shrug and compression garment. Yeah baby, that's hot. I'll have to post a pic of that because it'll be ALL THE RAGE soon.
I came to the conclusion that I just need some sort of fleece fabric sweat-skirt that can be warm, or easily removed for potty time. They probably have this garment somewhere in the northern areas but what with my being southern... I do not own one. Hell, piece of fleece blanket fabric and a binder clip might do the trick.
The shrug was actually a great solution for the upper half. It doesn't have any strings or get in the way when you are doing bathroom stuff or draining drains... plus hey, it fits so much better now that my boobs are smaller! VICTORY!
I watered a couple of plants (via pitcher filled from the kitchen sink), played fetch with my dog (repaired grabber = ball throwing to his heart's desire!), texted some friends, and just walked around the house and backyard a lot in general. I even cleaned up my hot glue gun mess from the earlier repair activity. Mr. Right will be so proud! I miss him.
I was also tired of the whole "I can either stand up or lie down, but sitting on the couch or a floofy comfy chair is too hard". I dragged one of our dining room chairs (the kind from the end of the table with arms) into the living room so I could practice regular sitting, with some structure, yet have the chair arms to steady myself when getting up. I must tell you, my goal is to get to such point that I can go out to eat, man. Leave the house, sit amongst regular folk, get up and down without looking like I have drains coming out of me. I did a little getting up and sitting down.
Sitting down in a chair like that seems to be more comfy with a small pillow pressed up against my tummy. Whatever works, right?
My sweet friend K came by and brought me lunch, and we talked about tummy tucks and how freaking bad it hurts to get out of bed for the first couple of days. She had a c-section with her baby, so she could relate. I don't know which is worse, but I know she got a kid out of the deal. This stomach better be really, really flat, lol.
After K left, my other friend T came by. We had planned a little walk, but I was kind of pooped from my burst of stair climbing, house-laps energy after lunch so instead I practiced sitting up in a chair and she dished about her weekend.
Little visits are really great. They definitely made me feel better, more human today (human as opposed to house-cat). I feel accomplished in that I woke up, washed up, got myself out of a crappy mood with only a minimal pity party, and managed to light a fire under myself and get smiley.
I can't wait for my husband to get home. He's so smiley and cute, and I like hugs, and I'm kind of hoping we can veg together and find something fun to watch on tv, or take a little walk through the neighborhood.
All in all I'd say hey, it's been a hard week, but not nearly as hard as I thought it might be. I didn't think I'd be up all day and climbing to the third story by this time in the surgical timeline.
I keep trying to remind myself that before this surgery, I was perfectly healthy. I haven't had any major joints replaced, I'm a strong young-ish lady who was fully capable of stuff... so having my skin snipped up and sewn back together is no reason to think I should be set back weeks and weeks from normal function. I want to keep my blood pumping so it can heal these tissues!
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