Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 14: 2-Week Doc Visit, and I was way too industrious.

Today I had to wake up and get my little guy to school since Mr. Right had to go into the office.  No biggie, I'm driving, I haven't been on any drugs, this was a life-responsibility I could handle.

I got home and was just full o' pep.  I decided to see if I could put on my running shoes and socks-- success.  I decided I'd take the dog for a nice long walk because I wanted to get my blood pumping, and see the far side of the neighborhood we recently moved to.  According to my little mapping site,  went 2.29 miles with my fabulous dog.  STILL FEELIN' GOOD!

Once home, I realized I had a specific work project whose deadline was today, and I could get it done in time to shower, get ready, and get to Doc's by 2:00 for my checkup.  For the first time since the surgery, I sat in my office chair and worked at my computer, manipulating equipment with both hands, doing a little twisting, sitting up for about 2 1/2 hours.  DONE!

Next, I took a shower all by myself... including throwing my compression garment in the washer and dryer on the speed cycles in the midst of the showering/readying.  Out the door in plenty of time, arrived at Doc's as scheduled.

After that walk, I had downed about 900 gallons of water.  My drains were so full.  Dammit.  I know he's gonna tell me I have to keep them in another week... grrrr.

Checkup went well.  I got a new drain chart because my old one was all full.  Gosh what a TREAT.  Yep, keeping the drains another week.  Doc's wife looked at me like I was a crazyperson when I told her I walked just over 2 miles this morning.  Evidently that wasn't such a good idea.  I'm not supposed to get my heart rate up right now.

Oooookkaaayyyy.  Ok.  I won't go brisk-walking again until they tell me it's ok.  I'm fine!  See?  It's all good.

After this, I needed to eat (I'm probably PMS'ing and the ravenous appetite from my morning walk was rearing its ugly head) then head to my son's football game.  I Drove through Taco Bell, went home, wolfed down three tacos, and then it hit me.

Complete, utter exhaustion.  Pain, like my whole chest and abdomen were just... ultra-sensitive.  My upper abs almost feel like they're bruised.  Just sore, sore, sore.  All I wanted to do was lay in bed and close my eyes and scream to Doc's wife that she was right.

I had overdone it.

One Valium, one Vicodin, and two hours later, I was relaxed in bed, feeling much better.  I need to remember that I got all ripped apart and sewn back together two weeks ago and I am not superwoman.  This isn't a contest about ability.  Walking a feisty dog then working at your computer will stress recovering abs.  Showers and driving take energy and core muscles, and they stretch the skin around your new breasts.

Lesson learned!  From now on I will walk shorter distances, not holding the frisky-dog leash, at a STROLLING pace, not a fitness lady pace.

Also, I will keep the big ol' rest-and-recuperate, be-leisurely thing up.

So, the start of week 2 might have been a little too industrious, but hey... now I know.

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