Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 11: Driving! Mani/Pedi, Target, and Voting

Well, I woke up today and got ready for the long-awaited mani/pedi!  No more grody feeeeeeettttt!!!!

My nail lady was so happy to see me, and super sweet, and told me another of her clients had a tummy tuck and wasn't nearly as mobile and good looking as me and she was 4 weeks out.  Well, I hope she's healing up ok, and thanks for the confidence boost!  I was able to get into the pedicure chair and sit through it, plus sit in the regular chair for a manicure with no problemo.

Post-beautification, my number one destination was Target.  I needed to pick up a prescription, and I needed to see what was on Halloween clearance.  MISSIONS ACCOMPLISHED!  The checker was nice and helped me get stuff out of the basket.  She bagged everything light so I could get it into the car.  They offered an escort and helper to get things into the car, but me being the independent stubborn soul that I am... politely refused.

I got everything in the back of the car, and realized that I could not reach up high to close the hatch (I drive a small SUV), and pull down with enough force to get it closed.  Well crap.  So I hung out and waited for a nice Target shopper to walk by and asked nicely.  Problem solved.

I was also going to head to Home Goods to see about some Halloween clearance, but it had been a big morning, so I decided I was going HOME and then taking a pain pill and a valium.  Do we sense a pattern? I can make it through a good 4-6 hours of light industriousness, but then I gotta hit the meds to get me through the rest of the day.  I don't want to drive on the meds.  Reminder:  Sweet talk Mr. Right into filling up my car with gas soon.  Running low.

DRIVING:  I've found that the seatbelt is a little bit irritating to my breasts, and also somewhat odd/uncomfortable (yet not really "painful") across my stomach.  The tummy just likes pressure.  I have solved this problem by placing a mid-sized pillow between me and the seatbelt.  WORKS LIKE A CHARRRRRM.  It's tall and wide enough to cover my breasts down to my belly.  It's soft and fleece.  I bought it a long time ago and it's my "car"pillow that I keep in there if the kids want to nap on a long trip.  Find something that works for you and by all means, work it!

Here is my ridiculously ugly pillow.

I didn't buy it at a store or I'd tell you where to get one.  I bought it at a little craft fair/market day at my son's school one year.

Later, (post-drugs!   feelin' fine!) me and the fabulous husband/chauffer went and early-voted (LOL, saw Doc and his wife in line), then went out to eat.  I'm far more comfortable sitting up at a restaurant table today than I was yesterday.  PROGRESS!  We even went out to Pinkberry for a little fro-yo date after.  We're fancy and exciting like that.

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