Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 49: Seven Weeks post-op. I RAN!

Since we last chatted, I've been going without my compression garment most days, wheeee!  I feel a lot less "naked" without it now, so that's good.

The past week's been really just fine.  No meds needed other than something to quell menstrual cramps,  so I say I am continuing to heal up successfully!

Big Events:

I officially returned to work.  Now, I'm self-employed so this is kind of "as much or as little as I choose" but if anyone out there is a business owner, you probably know that it's kind of all-or-nothing and your work can really consume you.  It isn't something you can half-ass successfully.

I work in the event business, so there's a great deal of desk work-- e-mail handling, design work, keeping abreast of current trends and happenings via facebook, twitter, pinterest.  This being the end-o-year holiday party season, there's a lot going on.  There's been a lot of sitting upright at the computer and I have lovely news-- my breasts no longer have to rest on my desk to relieve that horrid mid-back-shoulder-blade-hot-knife pain.  Why not?  Because it no longer exists : )

For the more manual-laborious part of my work, I'm running around, carrying heavy stuff, needing to be really aware, all the while trying to look super pretty and wear the most attractive yet comfortable shoes I can find.  Sometimes behind the scenes I'm sprawled on the ground, working criss-cross-applesauce (or as they said in the olden days, "Indian style").  Sometimes I'm hauling stuff into the trunk of a car and making a break for it, trying to get ahead of my event guests and perform feats of space-time travel unknown to most.  Of course, this all takes place in a stretch of 11-12 hours at a time, nonstop, and generally lasts mid-day into the wee hours of the morning... when I get to haul a bunch of heavy stuff into my car and go home.

This weekend, I had an event.  I was nervous because it way my first since the surgery, and I wasn't sure what my body could handle... luckily I have a snappy assistant who's always there to help and can sort of read my mind at this point.  Note: I have to dress cute, so I did wear my compression garment just for safety's sake, and because I had on a fitted dress... and appreciated the support.

Early in the day, I was kind of feeling some fatigue, maybe a little bit of pain/muscle fatigue, just because I haven't done this in almost 2 months.  It's also worth throwing out there that I was on the VERGE of Shark Week (period time, for those not familiar with the jargon). I usually get hit with at least one day of "Who slipped the Ambien in my breakfast milk?!?!?!" before the shark attack occurs, and this happened to be it.  Complete with cramps.  OH HOORAY.  Aleve to the rescue (and also, caffeine).

I made it through.  I didn't have the back and shoulder pain.  IT WAS GREAT!  I even joined the hosts for some bouncy-dancing to "Call Me Maybe".  I got home, went to sleep for 4 hours, and woke up again because I had some follow-up work to do for the clients that required early morning wake-up... and I wasn't even sore.  Unprecedented, really.

Ok, my feet were sore, but that's all.

My Super-Metabolizing is slowing down.
I'm not oozing so much anymore from my tummy incision, things are drying up like they're supposed to.  I hope this means that sucker will start to close up and heal over soon so I can take a bubble bath.  My hot tub needs some love.  Come ON, belly.  Heal on up.  I've not been wearing the maxi-pad stuck to the tummy of my undies, and I have been sleeping with my incision open to the air in hopes of it drying up.  Whether it's my efforts or the natural course of healing, I'm seeing improvement.

I actually RAN this morning!
I went out to get some exercise and run some energy out of the dog this morning.  It was cool (it had been pretty warm and muggy the last week or two) after a hard rain last night, so I felt very yippy skippy and was walking at a pretty good pace, when I felt like mixing it up a little with some jogging.  Surprising myself a little, I was able to jog without any weirdness, discomfort, or strain.  Me and the dog made a little neighborhood loop for about 3 miles, and I ran/walked for the duration!

Pain Level

Still no real pain issues where surgery sites are concerned.  I am still acutely more aware of my left side than my right (in both ab muscles and the nipple) but it's a slight improvement over last week.

My breasts are sensitive if I push really hard on them... so I don't do that.  I'm still on guard on my frontal space when I'm in a crowd, just because there's still the feeling of "What if someone runs into me and bumps a hurty place?" but I clearly felt well enough to jump around on a dance floor to a teeny bopper song.

I can get out of soft chairs, or up off of the couch, or out of a restaurant booth with little effort.  I don't "need" arms or help getting up unless it's a case of getting up off of the floor in a dress, when having a hand to help me up is definitely appreciated!  I can lean forward and bend over and pick up stuff, but not super heavy stuff.

Energy/Strength Level

Energy level continues to improve.  No naps, (except for Sunday after I had 4 hours of sleep the night before), and I'm getting up at a normal time.

Strength and range of motion continue to improve.  I was able to lift, pull, twist, and do quite a bit where work is concerned, which made me happy.  I helped Mr. Right get the Christmas lights out on the lawn, and did a great deal of core-moving when I had to string lights around trees and through the bushes.  I'm almost feeling kind of normal again, wheeee.

Things I can't do right now:
I could not lift a toddler in my current condition, though I could probably hold a baby or something.  Like, no kids over 30 pounds...  Reaching up really high is not really a huge problem.  I am no longer dragging the laundry hamper in lieu of picking it up.  Reaching anything that is low-down and requires me to reach forward is getting easier.

Hugging Level

Not back to pre-surgery hugging level yet, but I'm 80% of the way there.  A big squeezy hug would be bad but regular hugs seem to be fine.

I test my hugging abilities when Mr. Right gets home from work every day.  He's a big burly man, so it's not like hugging a rock, he has some give... but I'm getting much more comfortable with pressing my front against his front and holding that pattern with a little squeeze.

Snuggling Level (this section is off limits to relatives and people who don't want to hear about mushy stuff and/or my love life)

I think I can almost spoon.  Last night was the first time I could really roll over to him in bed and give him a hug/kiss and it felt so nice : )

I have nothing to report in the forking department.  Just not much of that going on with it being busy season and me being mind-tired and laden with PMS.  Sorry to disappoint!  Maybe once shark week is over there'll be more to tell.

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